Monday, January 16, 2012

Computer virus that attacks the android system

A report this week from Lookout Mobile Security identifying the latest virusthat attacks the Trojan Android device has been dubbed "Geinimi" and "can muster so much personal data in the user's phone and sends it to the server." The airline called the virus "the most sophisticated Androidmalware we've seen so far."
"Immediately after these evil devices connected to the phone user, malware has the ability to receive commands from a remote server that allows the owner of the server to control the phone," said Lookout.

"The Creator Geinimi has markedly increased sophistication of malwareAndroid thus overcoming a previously monitored by running a series oftechniques to make a run all of its activities," he said.

The motive behind the virus is not clear Lookout saidadding that it could be used for everything from "bad ad network to try to create a botnetAndroid."

But the company said that it seems the most likely users affected are those who download Android apps from China.

Applications are infected include repackaging the version sold in Chinafrom Monkey Jump 2, Sex Positions, President vs. Aliens, City Defenseand Baseball Superstars the 2010th

"It is important to recall that although there are examples of re-packedgame with the Trojans, the original version available on Google's Android Market official website has not been attacked," said corporate security.


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