Monday, October 31, 2011

Basic Concepts computer system

1.1 Scheme of computer systems

Four basic components of computer systems:
1. Processing
2. Main Memory
3. Input and output devices
4. Interconnection antarkomponen

1.2 Processing
Processors are known as the CPU, the computer serves to control the operation and data processing to be carried out.

Processors work with the following steps:
1. Following a binary coded instructions from main memory
2. Decode instructions in simple processes
3. Implement these processes

Operations on the processors are divided into:
1. Accounting Changes
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc..
2. Logic operation
OR, and X-OR, inversion, etc..
3. Control activities
Branch operations, jumping etc..

Processing consists of three components, namely:
1. CU (Control Unit)
Enough for the operation of a computer system implemented to control
2. ALU (arithmetic logic unit)
Functions perform arithmetic and logical operations
3. Register
Is very fast memory that serves as a place of operand-operand of the operation to be performed by the processors are.

• A very special memory locations constructed from the flip-flop
• Design your / store the data page. accessible and accessible in a variety of what a high speed.
o U / processor 8088/8086, 80188/80186, 80286 of 16-bit register
o U / 80386/80486/80586/Pentium processor to 32-bit registers
o Optional U / general purpose registers, a non-independent 8-bit registers w / High and Low order byte Byte Order

• Types of records:
o general purpose registers (data registers):
- 16 bit: AX, BX, CX, DX
- 8 bits: AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, DL
o Segment registers CS, DS, SS, ES
o index registers SI, DI, IP
o Pointer registers: IP, SP
o Flags registers: overflow, direction, interrupt, Trap, drawing, Zero, Auxiliary Carry, parity, carry
- 16 bit, but only 9 bits are used
o Register for the address and buffer
- March (Memory Address Register)
- MBR (Memory Buffer Register)
- I / O AR (I / O address register)
- I / O-BR (I / O Buffer Register)
o Register for the execution of instructions
- PC (Program Counter)
- IR (Instruction Register)

Memory functions and data storage applications. Memory hierarchy based on the speed of access, such as the following table:


  1. Register
  2. Chace memory
  3. Main Memory
  4. Disk memory
  5. Magnetic disk


  1.  Magnetic optical disk

1.4 DEVICE I / O
The device inputs / outputs used for computer systems to interact with the external environment, either the user or the environment in general.

The input / output of the device consists of two parts, namely:
1. Mechanical components such as the device itself
2. Electronic components, namely a control device controller chip.
1.5 interconnection between components
This is called interconnection bus and procedures regarding the relationship antarkomponen component computer system.
The bus consists of three types, namely:
1. Address bus (address bus)
To provide the address of the memory or access to ports.Contains the address bus 16, 20, 24 or more parallel signaling pathways.
2. Data bus (data bus)
To read and send data to / from memory or a port. 8.16 contains the data bus 32 or more parallel signaling pathways.
3. Business management (control bus)
Bus control signals include:
• Memory Read
• Memory Write
• I / O read
• I / O Write A
Antarkomponen interconnection system (Bus) are very popular include: ISA, EISA, MCA, VESA, PCI and AGP


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