Saturday, October 29, 2011

Xcopy command

Xcopy command
Used to determine the contents of the file file / folder copy. The copy command, if this directory is copied, the contents of the directory is included in a file (destination file). While the DOS xcopy will create a new folder and create a copy of the files that exist in the folder of origin to the newly created directory.
Method of writing:
xcopy [drive:] [path] filename / directory_asal
 [Drive:] [path] filename / directory_ purpose
Steps of use:
First, type the xcopy command to the command line use.
Pre-Press Enter.
xcopy data \ datalama \ Data \ dataold \ <Enter>
14 Ren / rename
Use a file / directory rename.
Method of writing:
ren [drive:] [path] filename / directory_lama
 [Drive:] [path] filename / directory_baru
rename [drive:] [path] filename / directory_lama
 [Drive:] [path] filename / directory_baru
Steps of use:
First Name of the command line command to use.
Pre-Press Enter.
ren data \ datalama \ isi_a.txt data \ datalama \ isi1.txt <Enter>
ren data \ datalama \ coba2.txt data \ datalama \ cobalg.txt <Enter>
ren data \ dataold \ Data \ datatua <Enter>
15 Del command
Use the file. If the name of the deleted file is a directory name, then all the files in the directory will be deleted.
Method of writing:
del [drive:] [path] filename
Steps of use:
First, type the command that you remove the command line use.
Pre-Press Enter.
del data \ datalama \ isi1 <Enter>
del data \ datalama \ <Enter>
16 Format command
It is used for formatting floppy disks.
Method of writing:
nama_drive format: [/ s]
[/ S]: Formatting a disk so it can be implemented.
Steps of use:
First type format you want the command line use.
Pre-Press Enter.
The third screen will appear:
Add a new disk for drive:
and press Enter Pls Ready ...
4 Place the floppy disk formatted for A. be
5 Press Enter.
DOS 6, a floppy format, after the show:
Volume label (11 characters, giving anyone?)
7 Enter a name, a floppy disk and press Enter, or directly by pressing the Enter key when the disk is not marked.
8 DOS then displays information on a floppy and display:
Format another (Y / N)?
9 Type N if you do not want a floppy disk or other type Y to form, if another drive to be formatted.
Format: <Enter>
17 Command Line
It is used to the DOS command line to change.
Method of writing:
         prompt [prompt text]
Line of text, any text the user wants to be, or may be the following commands, all commands below begin writing a $:
• t: time in DOS
• d: the date in DOS
• P: Path
• In: DOS version
• n: the index of the Active Drive
• g>
• L: <
• B: |
• Q: =
• h: backspace, delete the previous character.
• E: the escape character.
• -: a blank line.
Steps of use:
First Enter the command line, you want the command line use.
Pre-Press Enter


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