Friday, October 28, 2011

Creator of the world's first WORM

It was still early when itu.Di a computer lab Massachusetts Institute of

Techonlogy (MIT), on Tuesday, November 2, 1988, Robert Tappan Morris mengutak0atik bikinannya.Kono another computer program, the program is based desertasinya.Morris time logged in as a graduate student at Cornell University.Sebetulnya mahasisiwa, there was disagreement is made using the computer program Morris.tapi all agreed to call the program komputer.Worm as a kind of worm or worm, thought the particular language we Indonesia.Dari this computer program, indexing and distribution of the ubiquitous propagate from one computer to another computer.
Unlike computer viruses, worms are not necessary, targeted to a floppy or USB flash drive to PC ditunggangkan diri.Worm over the existing road, the compound itself to communicate with other computers such as Internet Connection or a local distributed computing network.
Morris worm was programmed to spread through a vulnerability in the computer operating system UNIX.Salah a vulnerability exploited by the Morris is a vulnerability in sendmail program, which is often used by Internet servers used to weaknesses in email.Lewat Send e-mail program, send a remote command that Morris was a dialogue program that effectively run the worm further recommended that the machine is opened. To intrude into other computer systems are programmed artificial Morris worm, a list of users available on a computer on the network, and then chased passwordnya.Pertama rely on the laziness of the user, the worm search

Computer users are the same as the username password his example, his username and password Yayanes yayan.Jika was not this way a computer system called, the worm was ordered to a different user name, the list of 432 passwords used can be tried through the hacker.Penggunaan list of passwords is a common thing for hackers to break into a computer system with intent.
Morris designed the worm so that it will copy itself to reproduce in computer lain.Morris hope she has a new worm worm on the other computer saja.Tidak disusupinya.Hanya more to create, and nothing against Morris kurang.Dalam, it would breed worms perlahanperlahan in computer networks. It will Morris.Ada various versions of the target, the Morris worm itu.Ada that the worm is designed to enhance the security of computers using the operating system UNIX.Ada say, test to make sure, said the worm's command, a response returned to Morris, to find out the size of the Internet in 1988.
The program is limited by the Morris worm did not really really want to test in the afternoon itu.Tapi tall, thin man trying programmnya.Morris Worm, then the program was called, began to work without running Morris.Sehabis programmnyasupervision, Morris rushed home to devour eat malamnya.Yang Morris knew back with his arrival at the MIT lab, computer lab computers macet.Jaringan mati.Morris not aware that home-made worm has a different computer searches on the Internet.
Two hours since it was launched, Morris Worm infected computers was at the University of Utah, 21:09 local time clock starts with the worm to other computers VAX.Morries type of worm to infect the infected computer it just kind of computer system VAX Digital Equipment Corp. homemade homemade digital and computer systems measure and other forms of computer-terinfeksi.Tidak until half an hour since the first attack on other computers, the computers at the University of Utah shows infected, the average exposure aneh.Beban average " a measure of the severity of a computer bekerja.Biasanya average load on the VAX computer to evaluate at 21:30 at the University of the bell in the night, but only reached an average computer 5.Padahal loading when the average load melebihiangka 5, then the computer data delayed pemoresesan: Computer will not occur in macet.Ini University of Utah saja.Malam really blew a lot of nasty night many of the managers of computer networks, especially in offices and universities in the United States following Utara. parametric computer system administrators soon realized that computers in the network is getting slower and quieter. Back to the University of Utah clock reached 21:41, load average computer 19 minutes later, the weight average number of 22.06 16.Jam computer at the University of Utah Computer lumpuh.Tidak really anyone can use the computer. Computer system administrator at the University of Utah has managed to worm killing at 22:20 clock. But it was not masalah.Terbukti, 20 minutes later, infected the University's computer system again and then the load average reaches 27.Berkali time turn on the computer system administrator computer jaringannya.Sia sia.Pukul 11:30, the load the University of Utah Computer Network reached number 37! Middle of the night was Peter Yee, a student who also works with a computer system administrator at the University of California, send a message to the mailing it list.Pesan dimulaidengan sentence "We are attacked by a virus on the the Internet. .. "Internet scene! It was certainly a lot of people on the internet thought they attacked virus.bahkan much more not knowing what really happened.
Keith Bostic, who worked in the IT department at Berkeley, where the worm is on the agenda, said. "All engines Tersumbat.Jelas come to a halt because there is something wrong." The first came to see Morris Worm misterius.Di directory / usr / tmp strange new files. Syslog messages in files is the most quickly recognized that the infected machines are increasingly reluctant bermunculan.yang is because the program always been a doubling of the peak diri.Pada machine stuck in space and processing swap table is filled. It is claimed by Morris, the worm is not only menggadakan him just once but several times!
"Actually, it quickly terdeteksi.Kita worm can easily see what is done by the worm itu.Tapi that we do not understand what happened," Bostic said. For Bostic own, this worm attack looks fun.
"We berumur15 average age at the time," Bostic said. "This incident is a challenge for kami.Tapi other parts of the world, these attacks have felt threatened and scared." At midnight Wednesday, caught the people at MIT and the University of California at Berkeley (UCB), a copy of the worm program and start menganalisanya.Mereka concerned that the program data on computers mereka.Mereka afraid this worm removed their files destroyed or through their Document Security Systems.Thursday morning at 5:00 clock a few UCB solutions, the spread of worms, it is tersebut.Solusi of patches (patch) Send gift for the name of the C compiler (cc) and linker (LD) can be so The worm spreads Bosa found later. On 7 clock a patch of Purdue to Usenet, a kind of vehicle communication now known or grup.Celakanya type mailing sent out of fear of contracting by e-mail, komputernya.Akibatnya many computer system administrators on the machines, the patch can not be A good cepatterdistribusikan.
Order the Internet was in 1988, recovered only on Friday, 4 November.Meskipuntidak the damage caused by worms added, the administrator of the system remains cursed curse-maker. No damage does not mean that no merugika.Diperkirakan, Morris Worm was successful in 6000 Internet.Padahal attacked computers in 1988, there were only about 60,000 computers Internet.Artinya, homemade Morris worm in crippling one-tenth of a computer analyst containing passed to Internet.Para appreciated, and it takes approximately 15 to 100 million U.S. dollars for the refurbishment of the entire Morris worm infected computers. This is to recall those years are times of the Internet Introduction to Artificial khalayak.Dan Morris worm, the Internet in a way that as a disgrace introduced. NCSC (National Computer Security Center, the National Computer Security Center) on 8 November 1988 meeting to discuss what you open, then dianalisa.Hasil analysis showed that the worm is not intended to damage, any damage caused by the worm, and it was decided to hide isinya.Tapi later, when the secret agent of the United States in 1990 raided the home of Erik Bloodaxe, hacker groups Legion of Doom, a copy of the worm code homemade Morris is found. Terrible events of the Internet universe on one of the major mass media Amerika.New York Times, covered, for example, by satu.Bahkan a piece of news about the "largest American computer attack" on the side, the excitement is still dieskpos by the media in the United States a week after the incident. It is remarkable that Robert Tappan Morris do not know that there is great excitement garagara dibuatnya.Liputan worm that mass media does not bother Morris, because he learned dissertation aibuk, and he does not own a TV! The name of Robert Tappan Morris began holding on to the media after John Markoff, New York Times reporter who covered this event as identification of computer users with the initials "RTM". Thanks to white page directory on the Internet, Markoff applied to the owner of the initials "RTM" in identifying Robert Tappan Morris. The publication of the name Morris led to a theory of this konspirasi.Teori doubt that Robert Morris worm spread across the internet by accident and was not going merusak.Robert Morris regarding the background of his father named Bob MorrisThe father was a mathematician at Bell Labs.Pada time of the incident worked, the father as chief scientist of the NSA (National Security Agency) sitting at the time of adolescence, Robert Morris, who has an account on computer network, the Bell Labs succeeded in hacking, and he turned into a super-user status. It also brings home a mystery cryptographic machines from the NSA. The background is that some people, the conspiracy theorists wondered if maybe the program by Robert Morris as an early stage, designed by the NSA, where her father works! Could it be? I do not know. To be sure, because of this incident, Robert Morris, the first man by the Federal Computer Fraud and abuse law was indicted, a law was passed computer crime in the United States of America against the 1986.Menurut Congress combat this legislation, the worst punishment can be removed is 5 years imprisonment and a fine of $ 250 ribu.Tapi Morris spent three years in prison, on probation, a $ 10,000 fine and 400 hours of community service, but is dismissed from Cornell University. It seems that the Internet community quickly Morris.Buktinya awarded in early 1998 Viaweb Inc., a company he founded, was acquired by Yahoo! inc.seharga juta.Tapi $ 49 due to its worm, the Morris recalled on more than the Hackers
legendary in the world of the Internet.


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