Friday, October 28, 2011

Setting the file name in DOS.

DOS is a display graphics, single-user operating system and it's a process.
DOS, the default operating system boot process is complete, and if you are using DOS commands after the user is ready to receive, it might seem, C: \> Command line was. Users of DOS command prompt and press Enter at the rear to create and you can instruct it to something.
Windows95 operating system your computer has the Windows version, if more, the following DOS command line can be obtained by using the words:
- First method:
O in Windows 98
  •  The MS - DOS to run.
  •  You can also enter a command on the Start button, select Run  
- The second way:
About Windows XP or 2000 Professional
The Click
A   All Programs Accessories Command Prompt to choose
O or the Start button, select Run, type cmd  

 DOS file name
Two parts, namely the configuration file name
  •  Name up to 8 characters (alphanumeric, 0-9 and special characters such as: ~, @, #, $,%, ^, &, (,), {,}, -, _,',').
It starts with the alphabet.
It can not be separated by a space.
are characteristically large and small letters (uppercase and lowercase letters are considered equivalent.)
  • File Extension
characteristically choice (optional).
 up to three characters.
 In general, the types of files you want to view and use exactly three jaeul. Some competition and expansion of this type of file, forty to two padanana:
  •  night backup file.
  •  bat is a batch file.
  •  Program COM system.
  •  exe is an executable program.
  •  DAT data files.
  •  DOC document file (MS Word).
  •  text TXT file.

All the above are separated by a dot.
Examples of file names from DOS:
The files in a specific storage memory is stored in the directory.Thus, the file (path) to the location you entered DOS, than by file name. Journey to the drive and directory in the file represents.Example:
C drive and files in a directory on your hard disk prog.exe program if the file exists in the following path C: \ Program Files \ or writing \ Programs \ default drive C. If you are not

In the file properties, DOS
All files will always have attributes that represent the attributes of the file was created. There are four types of file attributes:
  • A: Storage. Archive file with this attribute and the backup is needed.
  • H: hidden. Files with this attribute does not appear if the general commands and dilisting are hidden files.
  • R: Read only. This property is set with the file name can be read separately.
  • S: system. This property is set with the file system.

Frequently used commands DOS
Here are some commonly used DOS commands are discussed in.
[] Brackets are optional commands (can not be used).
<>: <in Press Login>

First Date of order
We view the current date on your computer is used to change.
How to create:
                     Date [DD - MM - YY]
Use the steps below:
First (: \> Latest C) at the command prompt, type date.
Second And press the Enter key.
Third The screen will appear:
      Current date is Sat 19/04/2002
   New Date (DD - MM - yy y), type:
4th Date changes, the date format you want on your site (eg migration to 25/04/2002 will be another type of 2/4/25), and then press Enter. If you do not change the data manually, and press Enter.

Second The order of the day
We view the current date on your computer is used to change.
How to create:
Hours [HH: MM [: SS [, XX]]]
Use the steps below:
First (: \> Time C) At the command prompt, enter the time.
Second And press the Enter key.
Third The screen will appear:
Now 7:36:53,75
Enter new time:
7:36:53,75 on your computer means that in the early hours of 7 (H) 0.36 (min) .53,75 (in seconds), please time display.
4th And press the Enter key. If you change the time (converted to 8.00 come next 8:00 for example), enter the time in places that will not change at any time, if you own and press Enter.

Third Version command
Using the DOS version is used to determine
How to create:
Use the steps below:
First (: \> C version) At the command prompt version.
Second And press the Enter key.
Third Using the DOS version on the screen, as shown:
For Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

4th CLS command
Used to clean the screen
How to create:
Use the steps below:
First (: \> CLS C) At the command prompt, type CLS.
Second And press the Enter key.
Third DOS screen will be clean again


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