Monday, October 24, 2011

Six mental disorders while online

We have six mental illnesses that are online on the Internet ..
First Personality disorder in the form of emotions occasionally erupt Online - (online / intermittent explosive disorder OIED), and so easily offended, angry
People with this disorder appear normal at first. A few days or hours, talking funny, and possibly before the warm comments. But angry after some time, what causes anger and scold him.
What can happen on the internet, right?

  •  If you do most of us can be in the real world led to a fist in the face of our desire to do so, you can fight back.
  • The majority of Internet users hide their true identity, not fear and anger can be a bad reputation for excess steam to escape freely.

For emotional communication in written form * often not only looks good and feeling flat clear voice, but does not describe the tone of other body language and facial expressions, facing the people In order to express particular emotions tend to use difficult words sharp and hard.
Second Low tolerance for defeat in the forum (frustration / low tolerance LFFT forum)
He described how people who seek instant gratification and avoid immediate pain. The first is similar to the behavior of every seven children that the toys would stomp around and shout beat his hands and feet what he wants and quickly.
Write article for those who want to do often, I feel that the place was perfect. In order to control the entry of new comments to the readers of almost every author. If the complete description of the oblique criticism, then he immediately begins to break this response answers.
Activation of his writing - perhaps under a different name - If no comment, send your comments.
What can happen on the internet, right?
To check the other party responds quickly, we are so impatient. This impatience to minimize attacks and criminogenic.
Third Munchausen syndrome on the Internet - to arouse sympathy storytellers (Munchausen syndrome).
Knowingly false state that people imitate the situation worse, be treated as sick or ill affects itself.
What is happening on the internet, right?
I could not verify the truth of the fact that someone is in real life, it is easier, which is ten times easier on the Internet
4th Personality disorder is tempted to make other people online (/ OOCPD online compulsive personality disorder).
This type of personality disorder can be described in the example insanity grammar. When people, so find the correct spelling or other grammatical errors in posts or comments, immediately attacked, protested vigorously.
Why these things are likely to encounter on the Internet?
In fact, people with OCPD are dirty and the illogical fear of a world more chaotic and disorganized, he should think, feel, it deteriorates quickly, and if someone to fix it until it is destroyed.
On the internet, after reading all the comments, the fate of ordinary people. Encourage them to correct, incorrect and confusing text, inappropriate choice of words, or slang. It may feel a desire to train yourself to use the correct language is not difficult
5th Cyber ​​low self-esteem (LCSE) or low self-esteem (People who hated no one left)
In real life, this is known as attention-seeking and humiliating for you.
Once is too much, it's sexual harassment Online erotic humiliation or on-line in real action can be sexual harassment. So when someone says that sexual activity is important for him might think that it will do it seriously.
What is happening on the internet, right?
Poser gets what he wants, which is enough tension to implement it intropet signal is sent via the keyboard penghina.
6th Internet Asperger Syndrome
Loss of empathy for people of all social rules and for no reason other than accident dealing with inanimate objects only communicate through a keyboard and monitor at once.
This syndrome does not understand non-verbal cues, mild form of autism is a biological have no power to express empathy and maybe others. Because they know that you are distracted, but they were always strange and disturbing behavior. There are parts of their brain damage.
(- Someone could Ijiranaku - some suicides are recorded with a webcam, so far we published on the Internet, but can not confirm that it really happened, the time The only real problem ..)
What is happening on the internet, right?
Because they want to give the impression that the same loss of his own people to the display behavior of all online communications Asperger syndrome. This will not only lose the ability to see facial expressions and verbal or non-response, empathy. So you have a lot of words, but only on the screen, just tell people that does not exist. Small groups of words with no meaning.
Well, surfing is prohibited beriternetlah Health and I and our family, please survive the negative aspects of the Internet.
Limited only to know someone, do not exceed the limits in air internet.Terima love, but be careful to control the internet alone, we must operate. They can be useful.


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