Sunday, January 15, 2012

history of linux the first time

Linux or GNU / Linux operating system is non-commercial is very popular.

Used the term or Linux GNU / Linux (GNU) to describe the brutal Linux (Linux distribution), which always include programs other system operations. Examples of programs that are bundled with Linux distributions include a web server, programming language, database, desktop screen (desktop environment) (such as Gnome and KDE), and office applications (Office Suite), such as OpenOffice. org, etc. and so on. Linux distributions have developed unprecedented in terms of fame, so it is more popular than the original version of UNIX / development of the basic idea (the property) and the dominance of Microsoft Windows rival in some cases
Tux the penguin is the official mascot of Linux. Tux, imagine the glut after the Penguins, who sat down to eat fish often, it's logo and mascot for Linux. Linux is a trademark (brand SN: 1916230) is owned by Linus Torvalds. Linux is listed as a "computer system software programs." Asked brand is patented after the incident, which allegedly forged William R. Della Croce, Jr. tried to clamp Linux logo as hers and sent letters to Linux and agents, at a royalty of 10% of them. And traders began to push Linux for tandaniaga patented and awarded to Linus Torvalds. GNU Linux tandaniaga now controlled by the Institute of Marc Linux.
Linux supports many computer tools, and used in various devices, from personal computers to supercomputers, from embedded systems (embedded systems), such as fax, phone, video camera, and even washing machines.
At first, he has created and used by Linux enthusiasts only. Now Linux has received support from major companies such as IBM and Hewlett Packard. Analysts estimate that a victory for Linux, because Linux does not rely on the seller (vendor independence), and low maintenance cost, and ability of the property in comparison with versions of UNIX, as well as comfort and stability factor in comparison with Microsoft Windows. These features be evidence of the advantages of developing a model of open source.


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