Sunday, January 15, 2012

Virus Malware 2011 Mac OS begin targeted, android so choice

If the virus attacks in 2010, continues to bring the name Conficker, Sality andFakeAV, virus attacks in 2011 and changed positions and dominated StuxnetRamnit. Both these viruses have been followed by other viruses, such WebMon andFontAgent that uses Windows vulnerability (LNK / shortcut). Moreover, he continued to emerge attacks FakeAV (fake antivirus) and Slugin (spammers), and began to wave hegemony pishing and malware spread via Facebook Chat. Do not forget to miss the money-seeking Zbot attacks that exploit the victim's computer to get my money on the internet. And it's not quite so interesting is the appearance of an attackon Mac OS and Android. While Android is an attack can be said for the highest growth rate compared with OS, this is caused due to the rapid growth in usersAndroid.

Stuxnet is one of the viruses very excited because that effects quite real. Make thedisk space is exhausted, then a warning "not enough disk space". Apparently it's because Stuxnet create unnecessary files that continues to swell to the size ratherbesarRamnitis one of the viruses that have been successfully replaced by Sality rolein 2011 in computer and infects executable files. From January to now, manycomputers have been infected with virus


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