Monday, October 31, 2011

Basic Concepts computer system

1.1 Scheme of computer systems

Four basic components of computer systems:
1. Processing
2. Main Memory
3. Input and output devices
4. Interconnection antarkomponen

1.2 Processing
Processors are known as the CPU, the computer serves to control the operation and data processing to be carried out.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Xcopy command

Xcopy command
Used to determine the contents of the file file / folder copy. The copy command, if this directory is copied, the contents of the directory is included in a file (destination file). While the DOS xcopy will create a new folder and create a copy of the files that exist in the folder of origin to the newly created directory.
Method of writing:
xcopy [drive:] [path] filename / directory_asal
 [Drive:] [path] filename / directory_ purpose
Steps of use:
First, type the xcopy command to the command line use.
Pre-Press Enter.
xcopy data \ datalama \ Data \ dataold \ <Enter>
14 Ren / rename
Use a file / directory rename.
Method of writing:
ren [drive:] [path] filename / directory_lama

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dir command

Dir command

Used to display the contents of a directory to the screen.
Way of writing:
dir [drive:] [path] [file what will be in-listings] [/ p] [/ w] [/ a]
[Drive:]: Displays a list (listing) the contents of files in the drive.
[Path]: Displays a list (listing) the contents of files in the path.
[File what will be dilisting]:
Determination of what files are in-listing can use wildcard characters (? & *).
: Any one character
*: All characters
? Oba.txt: All files beginning with any letter, provided followed oba.txt
try .*: All files with the extension named try anything.
[/ P] [/ w]: Appearances dilisting file on the screen.
[/ P]: displayed per page (per screen),
[/ W]: displayed sideways, direct the entire file.
[/ A]: All files, including files with hidden attributes, is shown.
Steps of use:
1. Type the command dir to be used in the command prompt.
2. Press enter.

Setting the file name in DOS.

DOS is a display graphics, single-user operating system and it's a process.
DOS, the default operating system boot process is complete, and if you are using DOS commands after the user is ready to receive, it might seem, C: \> Command line was. Users of DOS command prompt and press Enter at the rear to create and you can instruct it to something.
Windows95 operating system your computer has the Windows version, if more, the following DOS command line can be obtained by using the words:
- First method:
O in Windows 98
  •  The MS - DOS to run.
  •  You can also enter a command on the Start button, select Run  
- The second way:
About Windows XP or 2000 Professional
The Click
A   All Programs Accessories Command Prompt to choose
O or the Start button, select Run, type cmd  

 DOS file name
Two parts, namely the configuration file name
  •  Name up to 8 characters (alphanumeric, 0-9 and special characters such as: ~, @, #, $,%, ^, &, (,), {,}, -, _,',').
It starts with the alphabet.
It can not be separated by a space.
are characteristically large and small letters (uppercase and lowercase letters are considered equivalent.)
  • File Extension
characteristically choice (optional).
 up to three characters.
 In general, the types of files you want to view and use exactly three jaeul. Some competition and expansion of this type of file, forty to two padanana:
  •  night backup file.
  •  bat is a batch file.
  •  Program COM system.
  •  exe is an executable program.
  •  DAT data files.
  •  DOC document file (MS Word).
  •  text TXT file.

Computer data security with fingerprint sensor

Only by using a password is not enough. Today, many companies - vendors for notebook computers with integrated fingerprint sensor products to improve the security of their laptops. Laptop or notebook fingerprint biometric fingerprint reader, fingerprint, depending on the approval to limit access to certain computer devices. Sensor or fingerprint fingerprint scanner is the best option to improve the security.
You use this code as a special code or password to encrypt the fingerprint texture, fingerprint reader (fingerprint sensor / reader) feature. While accessing the sensor of laptop users and each user's finger or meletakkkan mengosokkan / shift and one (or more) can be selected. In addition, the sensor is a legal or illegal use of a fingerprint reader to detect the finger. Legal users encrypt the fingerprint verification / permission if you are using a laptop, users can access it by completely.
Many notebooks today, the fingerprint sensor and the latest technology. Most of the scanner's built-in touch pad computers typically have found a fingerprint sensor. And about the benefits of one kind of laptop fingerprint sensor has been built. Reader and a fingerprint sensor, the option can not be left, pushed on a laptop, do not worry.
You have not experienced the notebook's fingerprint safe you will not be disappointed if you are using. Fingerspot brand biometric technology products for the professional solution to provide a solution. This product exsternal fingerprint sensor and requires no application changes based on a user name and password for the software application can be supported. For more information on the topic of data security solutions, see
For all platforms, but we can lock the computer by using a fingerprint scanner that supports this type of encryption is would. Your fingerprint sensor, if you want to use, that meet these requirements if the series in this system because it is not, at least Windows XP or on a computer than installing, operating system, your operating system, it crash the system introduced that Check
Indonesia to get its own is very simple. Notebook in the company's third-party products is a great series. To hargapun over the past few years has begun to fall from 12 to 5,000,000

Creator of the world's first WORM

It was still early when itu.Di a computer lab Massachusetts Institute of

Techonlogy (MIT), on Tuesday, November 2, 1988, Robert Tappan Morris mengutak0atik bikinannya.Kono another computer program, the program is based desertasinya.Morris time logged in as a graduate student at Cornell University.Sebetulnya mahasisiwa, there was disagreement is made using the computer program Morris.tapi all agreed to call the program komputer.Worm as a kind of worm or worm, thought the particular language we Indonesia.Dari this computer program, indexing and distribution of the ubiquitous propagate from one computer to another computer.
Unlike computer viruses, worms are not necessary, targeted to a floppy or USB flash drive to PC ditunggangkan diri.Worm over the existing road, the compound itself to communicate with other computers such as Internet Connection or a local distributed computing network.
Morris worm was programmed to spread through a vulnerability in the computer operating system UNIX.Salah a vulnerability exploited by the Morris is a vulnerability in sendmail program, which is often used by Internet servers used to weaknesses in email.Lewat Send e-mail program, send a remote command that Morris was a dialogue program that effectively run the worm further recommended that the machine is opened. To intrude into other computer systems are programmed artificial Morris worm, a list of users available on a computer on the network, and then chased passwordnya.Pertama rely on the laziness of the user, the worm search

History of the computer was first discovered

First inventor Charles Babbage was an expert in mathematics in 1822, but further development can not be separated from the service of the inventors of the next generation.

Who are the inventors of them is the following
Charles Babbage in 1822, with an ingenious idea mendciptakan a tool to support people in carrying out complex calculations. The engine is not completed at this time in London, the Museum of Science. From the computer on which the embryo begins.
In 1937, Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry designed the first electronic digital computer. Called ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer). ABC can easily add and charge less.
In 1943, during the Second World War, a British scientist Alan Turing designed specifically called for British troops electronic calculators. Code is used to penetrate the German defenses.
Howard Hathaway Aiken, in 1944 (U.S.) that the mark I. A team that created the first digital account. It has an area of ​​7.45 meters x 50 meters with a weight of 35 tons. Mark I was used to calculate probabilities.
In 1945, Dr. John von Neumann wrote the concept of data storage. I was still in the form of ideas.In 1946 Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, Jr.. closed the first large computer called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). The world knows these two men in order of detection.ENIAC weighed 30 tons, consisting of 18,000 tube lights (transistor size), has an area of ​​30 meters x 50 meters, with 160,000 watts of power. The first time you turn on the computer, turned the entire stream network of the sudden death of Philadelphia.ENIAC could calculate not only less time for more, but can also be programmed to perform a simple procedure. Compared to the Mark I, which can only be calculated, it is clear that the ENIAC was the first computer in the world.
In 1947, the first transistor was invented by William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Since the transistor is the size of computers has reduced ..

Octane OCZ SSD 2.5-inch reach 1 TB capacity with SATA-III

OCZ is now the first company with a capacity of 1 TB SSD market at a price of $ 1,300 or about 11.5 million dollars.Octane OCZ SSD SATA - 128 GB capacity on a large 2.5-inch drive with an interface III 6Gbps, 256GB, 512GB and is available in capacities up to 1TB and selection. OCZ, the octane series, which provide funds for general use, such as the transfer of files for compression of different sizes and all these drives "a diverse workload," in custom, entitled to a new level of performance.

This new level of performance, or use Everest Indilinx controller can read speeds of 560 megabytes / sec read and write speed / drive 400 megabytes were achieved thanks to achieve. Random 4K read IOPS and be evaluated by the value of 45,000, and the latency of 0.06ms 0.09ms and stuck to their writing and reading.The drive comes with a DRAM cache of 512 MB.

A lot of money to invest in SSD should be compared to the hard drive would be a difficult decision for a limited service life. OCZ is NDurance by proprietary technology to mitigate these concerns to some degree. NDurance is expected to increase the cycle of program / erase and add maybe 5000-10000 times the durability of the storage technology and NAND.
If you do not have to spend a budget of $ 1,300, if the 1TB model has a capacity of 128 gigabytes, have starting at $ 166, about $ 310 256, but pricing still no final confirmation, you can choose.
Slower OCZ offers the same storage, SATA - II 3Gbps ynag dependence, octane - announced the S2 series. Speed ​​at rated load 30 000 IOPS 4K drives the second 265 Megabyte / S2 and 275 megabytes / s. Write to G.. Price information is not given, but it certainly is SATA - cheaper than octane Naruarimasen III.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Digital cameras in the future

Basically a digital camera used to capture images without the use of de-ice the film. Unlike conventional cameras, digital cameras do not rely on mechanical and chemical processes. It was in the computer, the images are captured and built in electronic form. After the run, and even one that does not require the use of electricity.Because digital cameras take images in electronic form, the language is recognized by the computer. This is called the language of pixels, tiny dots of color of ones and zeros representing the picture just taken. Focus, as with conventional cameras, digital camera with a series of lenses, the light and create the image you want to run, equipped. The difference here is, then, the conventional camera focuses light onto the film while a digital camera focuses the light in a semiconductor device that records light electronically. Remember, the built-in computer, he comes here and breaks this information to generate digital data all the features of digital cameras.Another feature of digital cameras and sensors that convert light into charge charge listrik.Sebuah side of the device or the sensor is a CCD image in digital

Monday, October 24, 2011

Iphone apple tablet future

Apple seems to be more optimistic in 2010. A competitive market would do well with a mobile phone or laptop strict, and now Apple Apple tablet is that you want to open a new way to market products.

Former president of Google China will launch the Apple tablet device is equipped with 10.1 inches screen size, it was argued that there is a compelling user interface and webcam.

"Apple tablet, using the incredible user interface is packaged in a 10.1 inches screen size is a big iPhone." Kaifu Lee said in his blog.

"The features of Tablet netbook with the Kindle eBook Reader will combine with these devices, enter text and web camera for video conferencing seems to use the virtual keyboard."

Specification, but also surprises the future Apple tablet measuring 10 to 12 inches from the resolution says that it does not seem ITIC analyst Laura DiDio, with reference to the current use of the latest graphics and web cam to use.

"The tablet changes the game: Apple, laying down the gauntlet to competitors, depending on their way to depletion forces," said DiDio again.

Meanwhile, in Cupertino, as well as the club advanced features and dynamic area to launch the virtual keyboard has a plan, reported AppleInsider.

In addition, developers using the iPhone than the iPhone, but the size of 320x480px screen resolution in full screen format used to prepare the sample application device applications

Six mental disorders while online

We have six mental illnesses that are online on the Internet ..
First Personality disorder in the form of emotions occasionally erupt Online - (online / intermittent explosive disorder OIED), and so easily offended, angry
People with this disorder appear normal at first. A few days or hours, talking funny, and possibly before the warm comments. But angry after some time, what causes anger and scold him.
What can happen on the internet, right?

  •  If you do most of us can be in the real world led to a fist in the face of our desire to do so, you can fight back.
  • The majority of Internet users hide their true identity, not fear and anger can be a bad reputation for excess steam to escape freely.

Quantum computers for the future

Computer technology is one of the most rapid technological development and progress. Computers that exist today, has reached a very impressive performance. However, people today can not dream of making memuaskankeinginan speed supercomputers really super awesomeness of the most advanced computer still can not use them. The computer is a quantum computer is able to actually see a supercomputer.

Theory of quantum computers has been claimed by physicists from Argonne National Laboratory, the first in about 20 years ago. Porubeniofu is in the computer world in 1981 is the first to apply the theory of quantum physics.
Computers we use every day is a digital computer. Digital computer is a quantum super computer is very different. Digital computer is composed of many transistors, in the form of small chips and operates with the aid of a microprocessor. The microprocessor is typically a central processing unit (CPU) and "also called jantung'nya computer. The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004 was introduced in 1971. Subtracting the first computer can only calculations can be performed. known as binary bits, and number systems or basic (1 0) using the computer's memory system (approximately The binary digits).

When we process information using a computer system that we use. Quantum computers and quantum computers, and nested, "change" for the phenomenon of interest. In quantum mechanics particles can be in two states at once. This is called a superposition state. 0 and 1 as well known as all nested quantum computer, a digital computer it is in. general as well as 0 or 1, 0 and 1 means. Quantum computer bits (qubits), instead of using qubits. For (multiple countries) faster than digital computers in different situations, the ability to perform many different computations simultaneously.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Work of future technologies

Can you believe it? In addition to the sound, the future of TV,colors can be flavoredThe human brain is more than 30 woodytaste and fragrance of flowerssuch as the smell of grass divided.The development of future technologies and products.


British magazine New Scientist, the Epoch TimesFebruary 03, 2009 (Tuesday) was cited by 10 major science and technology products that will detect are expected to occur within the next 30yearsThey are equipped with mobile (HP) from the laboratorydraw at home to become such a common product.

These detectors TO - 10 science and technologysemi-transparent walls, the body penyirna Harry Potter-style coatwho can climb wallssuper jetSpiderman-style climbing wall canmake a television commercial spacecraft and This is a device.Odor and the like.

Future computer

Maybe two or three years, or swimming for laptop computers thatare very didamba desire among users of IT. It can be a lifestyle of a professional can be used anywhere .. and the use of use to allelevator, go for a cup of coffee in a café, and both work, but<Note that the dollar = 5 JT as a price for the PC, without realizing the actual price of the notebook PC which can be reduced even more. As a result, many people are available,please use the laptop to the desktop PC. And both Asian brandsand branding lokalpun more well-known brands helped toparticipate in the business.

The current status is "berorang human progress, click on theSmart Move" technologies in the ITworld was to shift the locationof computers and laptops. Minicomputer techniques are much more practical and efficient than current technologies digadang2future. ESP has a function entirely of the spring, but only becauseit is. The current state of Indonesia is still the only user, the assembly accepted by only one day we, Indonesia is likely tocontribute also to the hope that the manufacturer of the computer- the future of the computer. Here are pictures of the computer

inthe future are as follows 

pen-shaped computer

touch-screen computer

annular computer

Friday, October 21, 2011

car of the future technology

Internatonal standard (ISO 8713:2002) is known to the U.S. in terms of driving an electric car electric car with zero emission vehicles (Zev) and low-emission vehicles (Lev), including two (2) the types of development. Zero Emission Vehicles are electric vehicles Batterai Car (battery current) and has a fuel cell vehicle. In a conventional engine, electric motor (Hybrid vehicle), which was divided into a machine drive systems for the Lev. A number of technologies related to the development of the electric motor can be described briefly as follows:

variations in car computer

Perform different functions in the car to travel to the entertainment, computer, and you start getting lost, including a digital map Imagine enjoying. Also, you still have instant messaging applications like Yahoo Messenger, you can greet your friends about.This is a computer in the car with these artists can perform a comprehensive facility. Computers, cars are not difficult to achieve. It's a computer in the car, you can install as many additional features as needed to your taste, is very useful.

Vehicles that can be done with a variety of possibilities, and 2005 to test for Honda CRV search Aceh (2005), Yogyakarta (2006) while working in the field of disaster prediction Honda Motor educational institutions have borrowed the car Airputih PT.Device